Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed-up his gospel with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church, which guides us in our faith today. This Sunday we will study Acts 11:1-18 and Colossians 2:11-21 which teaches us about hypocrisy and accountability from the life of Peter. You are invited to join us in person […]

Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed-up his gospel with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church, which guides us in our faith today. This Sunday we will study Acts 12. You are invited to join us in person or you can watch the livestream of the worship service on YouTube, Facebook, or Boxcast.

Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed-up his gospel with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church, which guides us in our faith and practices today. This Sunday we will study Acts 13, which marks a turning point in the book of Acts. The remainder Luke's account of the early church focuses on Paul's […]

Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed his gospel account of Jesus Christ with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church, which guides us in our faith and practices today. This Sunday we will study Acts 13:13-43, which records Paul's first recorded sermon in Acts. This portion of the book of Acts also marks […]

Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed his gospel account of the ministry of Jesus Christ with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church. The book of acts serves as a guide for our faith and practices today. This Sunday we will study Acts 13:38-52, which records part of Paul’s first recorded sermon in […]

Prayer Gathering

We meet every Wednesday for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us or you can submit prayer requests through our website.

Sunday Worship

Luke followed his gospel account of the ministry of Jesus Christ with the book of Acts, which gives us the history of the early church. The book of acts serves as a guide for our faith and practices today. This Sunday we will study Acts 14, which continues the record of Paul’s ministry as he […]